Friday, May 29, 2009

Carolina's moly - moly_x_70

Today I finished my Alice In Wonderland themed entry in Carolina's moly. I am pretty happy with how it came out.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Sunday afternoon doodles

california dogface, originally uploaded by gwsmomma.

It is a rare Sunday afternoon when I don't have one of my two boys needing me to do something ever few minutes. Today I took advantage of the quiet time (quiet is a relative term in this case as my husband was in the same room playing the most annoying video game). It's not the best, but at least its drawing!

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Here are two of the flowers that I have drawn over the last few days - due to issues with my computer not wanting to upload

images...this is all I got.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

New book love...

This weekend, I spent most of my time at Borders and Barnes and Noble bookstores - just browsing the art books. I have been looking for books that would have quite a bit of reference material - like butterflies, plants/trees, landscapes, etc. I found this book with a group of Dover clip art books. So far I am loving it. Even though I have only had it for a few days - I have already been using it to get some practice drawing flowers. I will post some of the photos a little later. I also got a book with pictures of butterflies. I want to use this one as a reference for the wings when drawing fairies.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Jen's Moly - entry 1

Jen's Moly - entry 1, originally uploaded by gwsmomma.

Here is the preliminary drawing for my entry in Jen's Moly. I tried to follow Jen's style in a number of places so that the entry would flow with the one before it.

I just hope she likes it...

Here is Jen's entry:

entry 1 - with color

entry 1 - with color, originally uploaded by gwsmomma.

This is my first entry for my moleskine exchange. There are parts of this entry that I like and parts of it that I don't. I think it is okay for my first entry.