Sunday, April 12, 2009


Recently, I joined a moleskine exchange. Funny thing is that the flickr group is call "international moleskine exchange", but the other women in my exchange group are all from the US and Canada. Not very international. I still think that it is going to be fun. I am interested to see what each person will add to the previous person's entry.

When I first got my Japanese accordian album I was very intimidated by all of the pages - 60 to be exact. I sat the moleskine on my desk and that is where it has stayed for the past week. Staring at me, calling to me - "open me, draw on my pages" - I have glanced at it numerous times and still have yet to put my pencil on the first page.

I have been thinking and looking through various inspiration sites to try to decide what I want to draw for my first entry. I have been mocking up sketches in my sketchbook and came up with an idea for my sign-in page that is a little too, it will probably not go in the moleskine.

I did however put ink to the cover. I used a Prismacolor Metallic Silver paint pen to put a simple little scroll design on the cover. Guess you could say that I have taken the first step...

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