Thursday, May 20, 2010

Jeannie Paske's Obsolete World...

I recently bought my first art print. It's just a little something for me - something to put on my desk to inspire me. I am in the process of fixing up our bedroom where I have a small table that I use to do my art. The plan is to put some floating shelves over the desk and on those shelves to put things that inspire me.

I stumbled upon the work of Jeannie Paske during one of my blog surfing sessions...I couldn't tell you where I started out or how I got there - just that I ended up in her World and was so amazed at what I saw. She is fantastic! I was so excited to receive my print in the mail today - it's called "Unwilling to Shine". For me, the print says alot about me - I am always afraid that I am not going to be any good so I am always sitting back and looking at everyone else and dreaming, wishing...

Unwilling to Shine

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